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photoshopping reality

When the press, public relations firms, government officials and political campaigns distort reality, twist the facts, apply filters like those used in PhotoShop to changes images, that is photoshopping reality. Closely associated with spin, perception management, marketing and propaganda.

When Secretary of State Colin Powell showed photographs to the UN proving the existence of chemical warfare plants, he was photoshopping reality. Also, President George W. Bush's infamous comment to FEMA chief Michael D. Brown while the latter was botching the federal response to Hurricane Katrina: "Brownie, you're doing a heck of a job."

by Songpoet February 7, 2008

Photoshop UnsexyRoller

A particular chatter who poses as a female and photoshops pics to convince chatters that he is female. He often asks straight men for dick pics to blackmail them with later.

Photoshop UnsexyRoller should give up his game.

by Goonie's Revenge October 22, 2023

Photoshop Tourette's

The uncontrollable urge to create a photo in Photoshop after someone mentions "it would be cool if..."

"It would be really cool if someone added a Starbucks cup to the Iron Throne in 'Game of Thrones'."
"Damnit, Andrea! You just set off my Photoshop Tourette's! Now I have to go make that!"

by czehner May 10, 2019


When a photo has been digitally edited using 'Adobe Photoshop'. Typically not used for something made in the program, mainly for things that have existed prior and have only been changed in Photoshop.

Used sometimes as a stand in for 'edited', when the editing software used is unknown.

- Look, Obama is giving himself a medal!
- What the hell, that must be photoshopped.
- Of course it is you dumbass.

by Orvvollyon May 13, 2022


a video which has had its audio and/or visuals altered. Bill Jensen not knowing what a YTP is


by Byyiiissshhe September 17, 2023

5 Second Photoshop

The five second act of ejaculation in which an individual's face is transformed from normal to cum-ridden.

After we do doggy-style, can I give you a 5 second photoshop?

by First_and_Last_Post March 23, 2016

Mexican Photoshop

When you are too cheap to buy actual photoshop, you install GIMP (GNU Image Manipulation Program).

Hey man, this mac doesn't have anything to edit photos. I'm going to install mexican photoshop.

by rmrf December 13, 2016