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Screeching Karen

A subtype of the "Karen" archetype of annoying women cliches/tropes;

Screaming Karens are the type of person who films a fight/confrontation with their iPhone,
actively avoiding doing anything about the situation.

When a punch lands, or a fight ensues, the screaming karen will SCREECH at the top of their lungs to indicate something has happened. Usually deafening the viewer of the video being recorded.

Alternatively, this type of Karen, usually when being 'hella ghetto', will announce low-tier shit talk during the duration of the fight. Usually along the lines of something stupid, such as, "Get 'em! Get 'em!", often repeatedly.

Screaming Karens provide nothing to any conflict; they simply stand far away, record in Portrait mode on their phone, and act as a human alarm to alert any passerbys that there might, indeed, be a thing happening.

"Did you see that video of the fight in the mall last night?"
"Yeah bro. But whoever recorded it was a real Screeching Karen, I couldn't even hear what they were fighting about!"

by Maxwell_Edison July 30, 2022

Screech Point

A screech point is an exclamation point at the end of a sentence. Something a person on occasion screeches when writing, "!', or "!!", which is a double screech point!! As you can see, it quickly becomes meaningless !!!! And so, "screech point" should be used sparingly. And so, its rarity!

The sun in the late afternoon water appeared in the West as an inverted screech point, as i shielded my eyes with my hand!

by Blue Tarp December 11, 2022


Powdered energy drink you get in ration packs, you can drink them or snort them and it makes you hyper as fuck

Screech is the best

by Castaway_lillypad June 22, 2023



The act, usually by flamboyant homosexuals of running around making lots of noise and/or making a spectacle.

Did you see them screech around Soho? What the hell were they doing?

by And. July 29, 2018


A new sub genre of drum & bass characterised by it's use of high-pitched 'screechy' basslines and lack of a rolling sub bass. The arch-nemesis of the roller, there is constant warfare between the 2 styles

Screech vs rollers? I'll stick to rollers thanks

by Anonymouse9 April 7, 2017


The sound of my tires at every red light.

Me: (At a red light)
Some dude:(revs his engine and stares at me)
Me:(Steps on it, tires screeching)
My Dad:”Nice!”

by CrayonEater4259 September 5, 2021


Perhaps the most obnoxious little bastard to ever exist in a Roblox game.

Screech refers to an entity/monster in the hit Roblox game 'Doors'. It is a small black inky piece of s**t who likes to sneak up on you in dark rooms. It hides in the f****ng corner of your screen or behind you. Then, it lets out the smallest little 'psst', which leaves you to go stare it down. If you don't do this, they immediately start draining your health like the little swines they are.

The entity Screech is just a motherf****ng jerk. Once a dark room appears he'll try to murder you every f****ng time. For example, when in a room containing locked doors and a big basement, they just gang bang you immediately until you're dead. Screw these assholes.

Random Ass Roblox Doors Player: "Screech is such a piece of s**t. I died in a dark room with him."

Another Roblox Doors Player: "I agree. Next time, I'm bringing out the crucifix."

by secretdude. February 1, 2023