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raw sewage

Something the grief/tragedy/sympathy industry wants people to fear, like the coronavirus, the crime rate, and the boogeyman.

The grief/tragedy/sympathy industry tells people that if they don't fix the aging infrastructure now, put on a mask/get a vaccine, install a security camera, or ward off evil spirits they will have a tub filled with raw sewage, a respiratory system filled with the coronavirus, a visit from a violent criminal, or a visit from the boogeyman. Nobody lives forever, so why would anybody take the news without a grain of salt, even if some of those things really can and do happen?

by The Original Agahnim December 3, 2021

Raw sewage

People have swam in raw sewage before, and turned out okay. Still, the news tells people in South Florida do not walk around in the shit filled floodwaters from Tropical Storm Eta, it's dangerous. Just what people need, to be fed something else to get paranoid about, since the coronavirus didn't seem to get enough people paranoid.

South Florida resident on news- Raw sewage mixed in with the floodwater, that's other people's shit, it smells horrible, that's how I knew there was sewage in the water. I'm not going in that.

by Solid Mantis November 12, 2020

raw sewage

an alcoholic beverage that consists of a purple monster rum vodka and a whole lot of flavor

Devon: Dude want some raw sewage?
Aedan: Will it get me fucked up?
D: Yessir!

by osama ben ladder September 29, 2021

I Broke His Balls In The Sewage Town

Absolutely roughing up a crocker in his shimmy windle

Usually takes place between midnight and 1:06AM

Bro 1: dude did you fight that kid last night?

Bro 2: yeah man I Broke His Balls In The Sewage Town

by Scrotchular January 31, 2023

Sewage Pipe

The act of shitting into a female’s vagina(or ass) and then proceeding to insert a phallic object. This phrase utilizes the slang “pipe” which typically means “to fuck”.

Johnny: Damn, it smells like a fucking farmhouse in here. What did you two do last night.”

Roger: Yo, we hit the sewage pipe on the bed, didn’t get it all out. My bad, but it was worth it.

by Sanitation Engineer July 19, 2021

Puerto Rican Sewage Cleaner

In 1804, Several peasants in Germany were revolting against their dictator because he was being a big turkey. They decided that the Americans in America were not helping them enough with there potatos, so they overthrew their king dictator guy, and they went to America with their potatos and hit some Americans. The Americans, out of anger, threw apples at the Germans, who, ironically, were powered up by apples by 7 points! The Americans lost against the Germans, but luckily, since the Germans weren't American, they lost by default. The Americans then took all their apples and renamed them Puerto Rican Sewage Cleaners.

Hey! You there! Yea you ya turkey! Give her the'old Puerto Rican Sewage Cleaner!

by Commander Turkey January 30, 2011