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Rasmus is a fatass who isnt that fat actually and is an attractive young male looking to mate with a female and get offspring

yo look at that Rasmus, he must be 300kg

by krilluxdeluxe November 30, 2016


Rasmus is the undisputed UNO champion, some refer to him as the GOAT of UNO. His understandning of the game and his masterful tactics truly is something special to witness. The times he isn’t winning he either lets his inferior opponents win just to be nice or someone cheated. He wont necessarily admit to this though since he is such a modest person and he enjoys seeing other people get happy.

-Who is that guy? He just keeps winning and it seems so effortless.
-Oh that’s Rasmus. Thats just how he is.

by Magóo November 29, 2021

Rasmus Hartold Olsen

A fucking snack, with the biggest dumbtruck you'll ever come across. He is a very sexy and charming guy.
Everybody is sexually attracted to Rasmus Hartold Olsen, because of his loving personallity and big bunda. Being attracted to Rasmus isn't gay though since he is just so hot that your body can't reject him.

Oscar Friis Johanneson: Damn, i could really tap Rasmus
Everybody else: me too
Rasmus Hartold Olsen: ayo let me be

by IHaveStage3TerminalCancer May 12, 2022

rasmus dahlin

The Nummer 1 hottest prospekt in The hockey World.

"Oh some person got Rasmus dahlined

by awertyui February 1, 2018