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movie land theme park

an amazing park

due to popular belief it is NOT a corrupt company

we believe the rumour was started by a user name ryanttoobliuve

oh ma god i visited movie land theme park today and it has some propah bargains

by A GOGEOUS PERSON October 12, 2020

touhou themed blow job

Just like a normal blowjob but both of the girls fists are shoved up your ass

Touhou themed blow jobs are good for the soul my pal timmy said once, i think.

by yung ass rupturer August 1, 2021

28👍 3👎

theme park walk of shame

This is when you get in line for a ride at a theme park, yet towards the end of the queue your nerves take over, and you decide against it. Then you have to walk back through the crowd while they subtly intimidate and laugh at you, hence walk of shame.

I was gonna go on Colossus with a friend, but once we got to the end of the queue I pussied out and had to do the theme park walk of shame.

by Kempo September 6, 2006

49👍 6👎

war themed hat simulator

A joke about Team Fortress 2 and it's overabundance of hats.

Haha funny war themed hat simulator haha funny joke

by Анонимный аноним July 3, 2021

dystopian hipster theme park

the subtitle for Detroit, Michigan for the last twenty plus years. Also where professional athletes who's teams get blown out / routed in the early rounds of their respective league playoffs go to drown their sorrows.

Welcome to Detroit, your dystopian hipster theme park getaway ! Just look up every once in awhile to avoid being hit by falling broken concrete or rusted out steel beams.

Commercial Voice Over : Hey Joe Blow, your team just got the shit kicked out of it in the first round of the playoffs. What are you gonna do next ?
Joe Blow : Well I sure as hell ain't going to Disneyland now, am I ? Guess I'll head me over to the dystopian hipster theme park and smoke me some crack and chug cheap-ass wine !

by Virgin Suicides May 9, 2017

212👍 38👎

classic john marston theme

the best music in the red dead serries

A:did you play the epilage of red dead redemption 2
A; becasse they reused the classic john marston theme in it

by arthur morgan 1899 November 20, 2021

naruto themed blow job

A blow job that consists of three identical triplets sucking or licking a penis/vagina giving the image of someone using shadow clone jutsu

Yo I just fucked these three girls Nikki, Nicola, and Nicole and they gave me a naruto themed blow job last night......so hot

by Yellowstar October 10, 2017

27👍 4👎