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welp is a word that you can use at anytime. almost like “oop” . it means like “ oh well

katie- my account got locked
me- welp :(

by ALEXANDRAAAAA! August 14, 2019


It's basically saying well but in a different and thiccer way .
The slang came from discord and the person who started the trend is Jasmine Crawford

Mark,"Did you forget the chicken again?"
Jane,"Welp there goes dinner."

by SeemYhot June 12, 2018

welp moment

a moment ig you could say is 'akward' in a way, but mainly you could use it when a room (or even in a game chat) is quiet or silent. you can also use welp moment anytime anywhere.

welp moment...

chat/room: silent...
person 1: welp moment
chat/room: huh?

by welp moment dumass November 17, 2020

welp, this is it (phrase)

1). showing someone else something you have previously referred to

2). acceptance that you are near an end of something you have lost control over

3). A phrase used before stating something that will happen when something else happens

1). welp, this is it (phrase), the rock you so desperately wanted to see
2). welp, this is it (phrase); we are going to die huh?
3). welp, this is it (phrase), just one more enemy before the final boss

by I don't eat trucks November 6, 2022


a term used by white dyslexic mothers who think they’re clever, most commonly used in reference to domestic animals or when confused with another, similar sounding term

Look honey, the dog is welping!”

by larddawg April 25, 2020