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all fuckkered out

To be so completely exhausted from fucking that you can no longer stay awake.

Last night Elizabeth and I fucked so much I was all fuckkered out I forgot to plug in my phone.

by TacoLove September 20, 2020


All-Festered-Out: All smoked out. Having smoked enough marijuana and don't want or need anymore. Can't get any higher.

No thanks. I'm all-festered-out!

by JopKatz October 16, 2015

heavy as all get out

Heaviest all all things. Heavier than anything else.

That box is heavy as all get out!

by Tinker111 February 17, 2018

all flowed out

To be very paranoid or such

Sara: Dude, are there any cops around here?
Stephanie: Dang girl, you're all flowed out

by Arm Candy August 14, 2007

Ran Out all the way and to the maximum

To go overboard, Too Far

Hey Girl, Michelle get on my nerves
Other Girl: Dont you talk to Michelle Everyday, I just saw you talking to her 2 seconds ago. You just Ran Out all the way and to the maximum

by 1800-choke dat hoe April 26, 2011