Source Code


When something clings on to something else.

Donald Trump is attached to the toilet.

by Tek a guess March 29, 2019

no attachments

#1 : Congrats mate you are in the friendzone
#2 : Dont be Clingy
#3 : Di ka mahal ng mahal mo in other words busted ka boi alam ko bigti na

PB : Please No attachments
Dude : (Kills Himself)

by Senpaii AlexIch August 19, 2017

Attaching images

It's that annoying message that certain email websites will give when they are forcing your 24.7MB of gifs into the maximum 25MB of space alloted per email. If you happen to mess with your computer at all during this time, it will delete everything you just did and tell you it couldn't process that much weeb trash at once.

Ugh, I'm trying to fit all my memes into this prank email, but it says it's attaching images.

by GayMexicanAssInsideMyAss September 4, 2017

Person attachment syndrome (PAS)

Type 1- When a person 1 becomes friends with person 2 and suddenly they become best friends and inseparable because the person 1 either needs something(drugs, Money, clout e.t.c.) or is desperate

Type 2- When a person starts dating/crushing on somebody and they are immediately attached and the never wanna talk about/think/ be with anybody else but that person because they are either wanna look good for other people, they are desperate, or they are using them(sex, Money,drugs,clout,e.c.t.)

Example of type 1:

Person 1- Have you seen Emily? I have been looking for her for like 30 minutes!

Person 2- She’s probably with Kate, she’s totally got Person attachment syndrome(PAS)

Example of type 2:
Person 1- Did you see Emma’s story with her new boyfriend Jack? They are acting like they have been dating for months!

Person 2- I know I say it too, she’s got a bad case of person attachment syndrome (PAS)

You can also just insert a persons name in front in syndromes like “jack syndrome

by CöölDüdë_ April 13, 2019

snatch attach

A very clingy boyfriend

Damn my boyfriend is such a snatch attach

by Lil Potato January 1, 2017