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choc shoc

Shocking yourself or other by mistakenly identifying melted chocolate as shit.

Andrea alleviated Michael choc shoc by explaining that the brown stain on the bedsheet was not from her arse but from a late night chocolate snack. Staring into Michael’s eyes, Andrea seductively licked the brown smear to allay any remaining doubt.

by Smooax March 6, 2021


when you do anal and you pull you dick out and half of it is covered in poo

fuck mate the choc-top she gave me was shit

by p3rs0nality November 13, 2019


when engaging in anal sex the man pulls his penis out with shit on the tip and puts it in the females mouth

the guy gave her a nasty choc-top

by verybickboy November 1, 2018

Cop a choc

This is when someone tells you to no take chocolate, but you do so anyway.

Yo since dad's gone, you wanna cop a choc?

by MAZZORINI March 14, 2018


A premium hazelnut chocolate with mini crunch and cookies

Please buy for me 1 choc-a-lot

by October 4, 2020