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we, humans, are creatures of habit

a) the most pragmatic, rational response to the philosophical questions of "why do old habits die hard" and "why people resist change"

b) a nicer way of explaining to someone that no matter how hard they try to change their significant, the latter will always retain part of their individuality.

a teenage boy comes crying to his father : " why won't my girlfriend Meedith follow me to Mechanical Engineering; all she wants to do is go study Psychology. Is there anything I can do?

father: no. the cherry-phrase we, humans, are creatures of habit applies to her too. not matter how much you have in common, she is still her own individual person. The only thing you can do, is not commit a St Valentines Day Massacre on her.

by Sexydimma March 9, 2015

poker habit

an affectionate term for a gambling addiction.

son: Dad, what is a poker habit, is it some kind of poker hand that i don't know about?

Dad: son, no you genius. It's a disease, that needs to be treated asap; otherwise, people lose their financial affluence and may even end up doing harakiri to avoid financial ruin.

by Sexydimma May 20, 2012

poker habit

an affectionate term for a gambling addiction.

son: Dad, what is a poker habit?

Dad: son, it's when people are addicted to games where you need to bet money. it becomes a disease that needs to be treated ASAP in that particular individual. Otherwise, people can lose their financial savings. their marriages, their property and the like and may even end up doing harakiri to avoid complete financial ruin.

by Sexydimma December 14, 2012

poker habit

an affectionate term for a gambling addiction.

son: Dad, what is a poker habit?

Dad: son, it's when people are addicted to games where you need to bet money. it becomes a disease that needs to be treated ASAP in that particular individual. Otherwise, people can lose their financial savings. their marriages, their property and may even end up doing harakiri to avoid complete financial ruin.

by Sexydimma February 23, 2013

poker habit

an affectionate term for a gambling addiction.

son: Dad, what is a poker habit, is it some kind of poker hand that i don't know about?

Dad: son, no you genius. It's a disease, that needs to be treated asap; otherwise, people lose their financial affluence and may even end up doing harakiri to avoid financial ruin.

by Sexydimma July 28, 2012

Habit Ranch

The best ranch dressing in the entire world.

Yeah, wingstop’s ranch is good - but have you had HABIT RANCH? To die for.

by California77 November 24, 2021

rich habits

A person who lives the lavish lifestyle while always having money!

Bro look at Josh, he looks so expensive !

Dude Josh has rich habits, he always looks like this!

by CoolkatKattie December 31, 2021