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The word used to describe a person who is constantly horny

Person A: jesus christ I think I masterbate way to much

Person B: and this is why you've gotta calm down on the porn you fucking HornDog

by KeyboardCulture December 24, 2020


A horndog is someone that resembles a corn dog but instead of corn bread being around a hot dog it is someone who is being covered with horniness like the covering of the corn bread.

Literally look at Emma she’s such a horndog all the time.

by Lil tut January 19, 2022

Horndog Friday

That horny Friday feeling. Can of course be felt on any day of the week if you’re in the Horndog Friday mindset

Those guys and gals were gagging for it, it must be Horndog Friday

by Sexxiboi123 January 17, 2022