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Demon nudge

When someone encourages you to take the slightly more evil option. Largely for there own amusement

Sorry guys was goin to offer you a ride but Leah gave me the Demon nudge. And said " make them walk they need the exercise" .

by Groundhogg June 4, 2017

Nudge a Badger

To fuck an older woman with greying pubic hair.

"I'd like to nudge a badger tonight!"

by djchango October 1, 2009

Love nudge

A gentle, loving sign of affection involving a soft press of the face or body onto a loved one's chest or cheek, typically with romantic partners.

After waking up after a good night's sleep, Adrian felt his boyfriend give him a gentle love nudge.

by BronYrAurHouse February 4, 2023

Bison Nudge

Used as an expression for avoiding or escaping a controversial scenario or a problematic situation by using someone/something else as an excuse to save your own ass.

Exemplified by the youtube clip "Douchebag Bison"

Akin to 'throwing someone under the bus' or 'passing the buck'

Reporter: Why do you think your movie was a flop this week?

Lead Actor: The script was good. But people just won't go see the film cause of the lead actress and her low level of acting skills.

TV viewer: Damn! That dude just gave her a bison nudge.

example #2: Penn State gave Joe Paterno a bison nudge.

by MR EMAN November 11, 2011


nudge- i good looking women

nudges- a couple or group of attractive women

evandro-“what do you think of sandra and mia ?”

kai-“both of them are proper nudges

by faulky April 30, 2024


Liking and unliking a text that you sent to a friend, especially a friend that ghosted you. It's more socially appropriate than sending him or her another text.

After my friends moved away, I nudged them every few months using a text I sent months ago. I wish I were able to nudge people to who I haven't texted yet.

by LukeyBearUD January 19, 2023


The opposite of edging. Nudging is when your partner is on the verge of orgasm and as they try to edge, you “nudge” them over the line.

“Girl 1: I put my dildo so far up Jimmy’s ass the balls were against his balls. He begged me not to move..
Girl 2: Aaannd you nudged him.
Girl 1: Nudged till the toy was smudged with fudge girl.”

by ItsMeMatthewD December 9, 2022