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Squawk of Outrage

A loud yelp of surprise and discontent upon discovering something disadvantageous to your goals and agenda. This can be mistaken for the noise crows nake when they are flying around and communicating with fellow birds regarding important bird topics.

That dude just ate his friend's entire box of Toasty-O's cereal, to which he received a squawk of Outrage revealing his true feelings.

by Cholo Financial Planner September 7, 2020

Bational Outrage

When a teacher is fired yet everyone besides the one doing the firing knows that said teacher does not deserve to be fired

Holly being fired sparked bational outrage!

by Vasserhaus March 17, 2017


A word created by summayah for summayah

Using the word outrageous and not being summayah is outrageous

by Patrick simpson January 6, 2023


Outrageous is a real Nigga that care for people who don’t care back he got a hood heart and will go for who he loves…

I love you Outrageous

by Don’tMatter December 21, 2021


The act of clicking on an internet article because it's headline has provoked a sense of outrage within the reader.

The articles are typically clickbait designed to generate a sense of outrage, leading to more page views and advertising revenue. They are rarely enlightening or teach the reader anything new, and could be construed as an intellectual waste of time.

I foolishly outrage-clicked on an article about flat earthers, even though they are ultimately inconsequential and not worth anybody's time thinking about.

by PS1_Ron August 4, 2020

outrage archaeologist

One who sifts through historical records with the intent of discovering information on past actions or statements by persons or entities alive, dead, active or defunct - the relevance of which has long since passed - for the express purpose of alerting the public to the "resurfaced" material in order to take a moral stance and/or instill outrage.

By dredging-up a long-forgotten, 48 year old interview of John Wayne - who died in 1979 - the outrage archaeologist had rediscovered statements far more controversial in the present than they had been in the past, thus creating a new moral outrage over a functional irrelevancy.

by ScribeLight March 21, 2019

Outrageous Zone

A term used to describe the size of a man's penis without having to give specific details. Being "in the outrageous zone" means you have a huge dick. (over 10 inches)
See also the Frankenstein Zone and the Happy Zone.

Guy 1: "It's times like these when I wish I had a 12 inch penis. Sometimes 10 just doesn't cut it."
Guy 2: "Naw, man. I wouldn't want to be in the Outrageous Zone. It would get in the way."

by GregiPop March 31, 2011