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It aint noise pollution

Person 1: What is your favorite band and their genre of music?
Person 2: AC/DC, and they play Rock-n-roll

by Treestar22 May 6, 2021

Rock N Roll

A Genre of music that takes talent not just for singing but to play the Instruments of rock n roll

Damn I love that Rock N Roll

by Theniggerlover September 17, 2019


this can mean one of a number of things

1) (verb: to): to shag and fuck someone silly, to fuck their brains out.

2) (verb) to start, without being provoked or otherwise being under the influence of any drugs, and for no apparent reason other than having anger management issues, to suddenly go berserk and start physically and verbally abusing someone

3 (noun): a new fad or trend engaged in by youths that adults don't seem to understand or even appreciate , since they can't grasp the essence of the said fad or trend.

4) (verb): to get involved with the wrong crowd, and as a result to drop out of high school and get involved in criminal activities.

father: son, what is this new ridiculous game you're playing, or seem to be playing, on your Game Boy, 24/7 these days? you know the one, with the little green character?

son: dad, lol! I love your description of modern technology; this game that I am playing on my Game Boy, is a new rock-n-roll. The game is called Zelda, just like the little green character you mentioned. Dad, you can be so funny sometimes.

by Sexydimma May 6, 2012

rock n roll

means you are holding the urge to fap

he's holding the rock n roll sign he wants to fap fr

by botakman May 7, 2022

Rock n' Roll part 1 and 2

1. Gary Glitter's Magnum Opus.
2. The morale boosting theme for sports; NFL, NHL, NBA, PGA, etc....

Rock n' Roll part 1 and 2 is plays during NFL football games and in the 1996 movie Happy Gilmore.

by Viscount Druitt February 17, 2023

Rock n' Roll Hand Sign

It means you have an extreme sexual obsession with ficcional characters from the Plants Vs Zombies franchise, usually the sunflower.

"Dude, have you seen Matthew's new profile picture? He is doing the rock n' roll hand sign! I'm never letting him inside my garden ever again"

by Camoes June 19, 2023

Rock 'n Roll in her soul

Owning a bar, having tattoos, loving the 50s era style, riding a motorbike, and loving a good pair of boots.

She has Rock 'N Roll in her soul, because she owns a bar, has tattoos, loves the 50s era style, rides a motorbike, and loves a good pair of boots.

by Ethan Sails September 2, 2023