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tootsie pole

The state of a stripper pole after a stripper somehow rubs up anally against it.

"What, you want me to say my name is Candy? You want me to do the Tootsie Pole?"

I contemplated getting a Hep C vaccination after accidentally grabbing a Tootsie Pole during an impromptu dance at a puerto vallartan strip club.

by Dirty Pinis November 5, 2007

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tootsie roll

The little poo that hangs from your ass and seems to take forever to produce

Aww. I worked so hard only to make a tootsie roll

by JOE CORRAO October 11, 2007

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Tootsie Tickler

A rough intense foot massage mostly given by Opal Crankshaft. Mostly given in a bucket of water with cocoa butter and honey lotion added to it. Opal often does this to her ex-husband, Earl, when he won't play footsie with her.

Opal: Hey Earl, you want a tootsie tickler?

Earl: What do you mean? When we used to play footsie?

Opal: Sure. Remember that strip where we tried to play footsie but you didn't want to?

Earl: Yeah, you really took it to me then.

Ann: Oh, massaging the ashi I see.

Opal: Hey, do you want one too?

Ann: Hai!

by Dusty's Baby Powder November 11, 2010

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tootsie cat

A big black cat that kills birds for sport and pisses off all the crotchety old people in the trailer park.

Did you see that dead bird? I think tootsie cat is outside again. Ready for

by Hot red March 27, 2017

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tootsie role

The art of shating and putting it in a blender and freezing it than inserting into the vagina

Dude i tootsie role her lastnight

by Flipjack February 25, 2016

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Tootsie Roll

An Asian with a small penis. Usually due to race. It is called tootsie roll because of its shape.

Person A: Jake Nizolek has such a small penis.
Person B: He has a tootsie roll.

by Revol Suna Luhng Dihk December 8, 2009

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tootsie pop

Fucking a bitches asshole in the ass while having anal sex prior to her licking your schlong clean.

I made that ho bitch toostie pop my black ass after i tore her rectum and split her ain'tcha.

by likity splitz March 10, 2003

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