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Vampire Bag

A Bloody Tampon

You're being such a little bitch. Must be that time of the month. Check your Vampire Bag

by Al Cocksucker Swearengen February 26, 2019

Emotional Vampire

An individual that sucks the life out of your emotionally.

She is toxic, in her own misery she will suck the life out of you, she is an emotional vampire.

by Creativelingo January 18, 2021

Shaft vampire

When she's suckin your dick so hard it causes her nose to bleed

I hope you don't mind blood.. she's a shaft vampire dude

by Moose913 February 22, 2017

fourth-dimensional vampire

A fourth-dimensional vampire is someone who lives in a different timeline and only seeks to further their agenda, often times only appearing to vibe check unsuspecting people engaged in a different activity.

Derek:"Dam I can't believe Steven just dropped by to laugh at me playing cards at the local casino."
Josh: "Doesn't that dude have gremlins now? I haven't seen him since we graduated highschool 10 years back."
Derek:" Yea he hasn't changed much, he really is a fourth-dimensional vampire."

by Capuchin for Hire June 21, 2021

david the vampire

oh my god he’s literally so hot help me jesus christ david please marry me

marlania: “hey, remember david the vampire from that movie lost boys?”


by kenny 🤞 November 5, 2021

Vampire Teeth

When you eat a girl out when she’s on her period

Chad: did you eat her out?
Brad: yeah she was on her period.
Chad: congrats bro! You got your vampire teeth

by Nealspunchingbag May 11, 2019