Source Code

Dusty Cannon

Expansion on Dusty Canyon-
(n) When one crushes some sort of dry food, such as Saltines, and sprinkles the crumbs in an unsuspecting other's visible buttcrack then one suddenly expels flatulence spraying the crumbs and dusty forcibly like the projection of a cannonball and smoke that follows.

Frank gave Bob a dusty canyon, and when Bob ripped one a few seconds later the joke was on Fank with a dusty cannon.

by Jbobrn September 6, 2017

Dusty Funky Samantha

This stupid whore you met on the street who walked all the way from the desert in the middle east to the other side in the world, She is covered in so much dust that not even the almighty Rusty Dusty has matching power to her.

Him: jesus fucking christ what kinda creature is that over there maite?

Me: that's some fat whore called Dusty Funky Samantha mane

by Undead Shiteson May 15, 2022

dusty hallway

What you call a retired prostitutes vagina.

Man, I bet Christie is rocking a dusty hallway now that she ain’t selling it.

by Robbie Ram March 24, 2022

Dusty Duo

2 ugly mfs as a couple

Shawn and his girlfriend are a Dusty Duo

by Idk a name tbh March 16, 2016

Dusty duo

When 2 ratchet ass people date

Damn look at Shawn (ig:shawn4811) and Aiyana (ig: Aiyana.cheyenne) they a dusty duo

by satanlover534 March 16, 2016

dusty goat

Someone who sits in a house all the time peppered

Wow look at Hugh , he's such a dusty goat

by Sjayse July 17, 2017

Dusty Winkler

To perform oral sex on a woman who is bleeding vaginally, but not due to menstruation.

Dirty walked in saying, "suck my bloody twat!" "Are you ragging Dirty?" "No, it's just bloody." "That's a Dusty Winkler!"

by OU812X September 13, 2010