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Shitty Bus Driver

Someone who is a terrible driver. For example, speeding, going off the road constantly, and paying more attention to whats happening inside the car than what is happening outside.

"Damn, Yolanda is a shitty bus driver."

by JehovahsWitness May 15, 2015

Uber Driver

Normally of Asian descent who maybe well educated in there own country but there qualifications are not a valid in the UK so they become Uber drivers where they pray on intoxicated and under age women, they also share cars and PH licence with there brothers, cousins, uncles and farther.

Uber Driver: Hello I'm Ali your driver, how much have you drank missus?

Liz: only one glass of wine

Uber Driver: face of disappointment


Uber Driver: hello little girl is your father still in your life?

Shazz: no he fúckëd off for ten Benson's and hedge's when I was three and never came home

Uber driver: you would be a princess in my own country, I treat you good, you want a kabab and a can of coke, you have one of these tablets

by Shalam69 September 3, 2023

turd driver

Another term for plunger

Person a: where is your turd driver
Person b : what
Person a: plunger A PLUNGER

by Binickle May 24, 2016

Bad Drivers

People who for one reason or another, simply cannot grasp the simple skill of driving, but ignore that fact and get behind the wheel anyways, putting others at risk. To put it simply, sometimes I think a dog could drive better than them.

Most of them are complete assholes who have no consideration for politeness or the law. Some of them are just plain stupid and oblivious. Bad drivers usually think they're good, and get butthurt when someone confronts them by honking at them.

Now, I'm not being sexist or anything, but bad drivers tend to be dis proportionally women. On the other hand, asshole drivers tend to be men. Female bad drivers tend to just be clueless, while male bad drivers tend to be assholes who know that they're doing a bad job but don't care because it only harms others.

These bad drivers cut me off and stand at green lights when all I want to do is drive to work. DMV needs to stop issuing licences to these assholes.

by Xxxxxxxxfanboyxxxxxxxxxx June 22, 2020

Ping pong driver

On the freeway, someone who is traveling faster than the speed of traffic, cutting closely in and out and changing lanes without using their turn signal.

That ping pong driver in the black SUV is going to get in an accident!

by namelessfreewaydriver September 29, 2023

clunge driver

Changing gears using one of your orifices, not including your mouth or your arse.

Girl: Yesterday, my friend was my clunge driver. She changed from third to second using her front bottom on the gear stick

by katza8uk December 2, 2010

hoya bus driver

When you are raped by a bus driver

More specifically a middle school one

Tom the bus driver: Shall we go faster?
Steven: Hoya bus driver

by Brotitoterd April 24, 2017