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Sock Burrito

A sock filled with beans and/or other materials

Yo, you wanna make a sock burrito? I got a few tasty socks.

by Fat Chunky Moron VIII May 30, 2022

Burrito Squeegee

The act of taking a handful of feces (preferably moist and mushy) and using it as lubricant to masturbate.

"I heard they used shit for the hot chocolate when they ran out!"
"Hopefully they didn't use porta-potty 7. Ted did a burrito squeegee there after the race."

by Clark Speyhawk July 8, 2019

burrito sock

1 Slang for condom

2 someone who is bad/to overweight to windsurf

You might want to go down to the store and pick up a couple burrito socks

That dude over there is a total burrito sock

by Boom man March 26, 2016

Burrito Defeato

When you have eaten too much Mexican food resulting in an upset stomach.

"I can't believe I ate all of that! Im gonna be on the toilet all damn night. My guts have got Burrito Defeato..."

by Headexpl0dy March 19, 2018

Burrito Man

The owner of a beefy little penis

Have you seen Jamie’s chode, he’s quite the Burrito Man

by Skindle September 15, 2023

burrito man

a fucking fat person who is like a burrito

Bryan: OI, did you see the teacher?
Nicholas: Yeah, he's a burrito man
Bryan: Damn right!

by Nzxke November 11, 2019

burrito ass

Similar to taco ass but after a shart, the underwear sticks to and wraps around the shit on the ass.

After that meal, Big Daddy had a massive burrito ass that stained his pants.

by dictat-har April 3, 2016