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creed cooper

guy with hairy asshole, kinda rapey

creed cooper sucks

by a man of mystery August 5, 2021

Cooperative High School

full of angry Negros douche bag guitar players, Bitches have herpes it just sucks... never go here =

bob;where do you go?
DAY@DAY;cooperative high school

by rawr2mawrt March 15, 2009

Cooper Anderson

A name for a guy that is sexy asf some are short some are tall all have big dicks but they can be pussys sometimes.

Man that cooper is such a pussy
Man that coopers cock is huge
Cooper Anderson a word that means pussy or big cock

by Jooper-Nanderson February 16, 2022

The Cooper Guarantee

when your teammates push for you to get a full scholarship by themselves when you’re doing good as a walk-on.

The Cooper Guarantee almost made Jordan Thomas Cooper the first freshman graduate of a college sport.

by Coop Dupe September 8, 2023


of extreme idiocy, usually very suggestive and “dirty”

often times accompanied by stupid hand motions and hip moving

causes extreme discomfort amongst sane human beings

flat out illogical

can u guess which is cooper-ish

person 1- “incest is wincest

person 2- “oh lord

person 3- “help, i’m stuck under the chairs”


by daddy-tonton May 2, 2018