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Fitbit Phantom syndrome or FPS

When you think can't feel your fitbit cause your so use to wearing it , so you have check and feel your wrist , or look down at your wrist.

I had fitbit Phantom syndrome or FPS for a second so had check my wrist.

by Twebster117 January 22, 2018

Phantom Testicle

Slang for Spirit testicle; A handy companion to ask questions about the unfathomable whom also happens to whisper compliments and sage advice in times of need.

Even though I lost my testicle, I gained the insight and friendship of what some would wrongly call a phantom testicle. Which is stupid. There's no such thing as phantoms.

by Testicular Journeyman April 2, 2018

phantom patriot

The ultimate "Make America Great Again" vigilante hero you never knew you needed. Enter Richard McCaslin, a guy who took conspiracy theories way too seriously. In 2002, he donned a homemade superhero costume (think Batman meets Duck Dynasty) and decided to storm Bohemian Grove, a fancy retreat for the rich and powerful, convinced it was a hotbed of elite shenanigans and occult rituals.

Armed to the teeth and ready to dish out some old-fashioned justice, our fearless Phantom Patriot planned to expose the secrets of the elite and save America. Instead, he ended up providing a prime example of how not to conduct a covert operation. The police found him skulking around the woods, and instead of liberating the nation, he found himself liberating a jail cell.

McCaslin’s adventure serves as a reminder that sometimes the best way to "Make America Great Again" is to just stick to voting and leave the superhero stuff to Marvel.

"Did you hear about the Phantom Patriot? This guy went full 'Make America Great Again' superhero, storming Bohemian Grove in a homemade costume, only to get arrested and miss the memo that real-life isn't a comic book!"

by Phantom Patriot July 15, 2024