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Dr Pepper

The elixir of the gods. The most delicious soft drink ever created.

I'll have a Dr Pepper, please.

by OldActorGuy September 21, 2017

Serve Pepper

To give a pleasurable, twist-like handjob.

“You know Alice, by any chance?”
“Oh yeah! She knows how to “serve pepper!”

by Eddy1794 February 1, 2023

Pepper in the fridge

When a dillhole tries to kilk you with his secret sex hand sign
But he's actually just stupid
Put that pepper in the fridge and let it chill tf out

Boy: shocker bitch
Girl: time to put the pepper in the fridge

by Musicalsoup September 25, 2019

Jungle Pepper

A phrase used to describe dirt that lands on your food

Person 1: I'm not eating that, its covered in dirt.

Person 2: Its a little jungle pepper, it isn't going to kill you.

by JcKehoe August 6, 2010