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Hittin A stain

The act of an individual eating ass, retaining a shit stain on their forehead.

Friends; " tefik you disappeared after we all left the club last night, what happened ? "

Tefik; " oh you know, was just hittin a stain"

by Hit it or quit it December 5, 2017

dodgy stains

Stains believed to be self generated, possibly/probably of body fluid origin.

As in:-
He had some "dodgy stains" on his tighty whities

by Tom Busman January 8, 2014

Kaka stains

Kaka stains or skid marks are residual shit from the ass or an insulting name, Kaka means shit in the language of the moari (native people of new Zealand.)

Fuck up cunt, at least I don't have Kaka stains in my undies or, oi Kaka stains! Get over here

by Big chod October 25, 2019

son of a wank stain

Knobheads on call of duty ghosts

Gleek9irl is a son of a wank stain

by MentalBatmanFTW April 16, 2014

Shit stain in lifes underwear

Low life..

You're a shit stain in lifes underwear..

by Butter , cleveland tn March 12, 2018


When you get a double blowjob from two hookers at the same time and leave without paying them.

ohn: "How was last night dude?"

Michael: " Last night was epic John. Went out on the sesh and pulled a staines. The only downside was that I got shoved and got a minor graze. But fuck it, was definitely worth it!

by rofltson April 24, 2017