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when the nig is honk

A variation of the popular Among Us meme, "when the imposter is sus." Nig refers to a black person and honk refers to something squishy.

Person 1: Bro, look at that nig!
Person 2: Yeah, that's what happens when the nig is honk.

by kek or cringe? March 8, 2021

When the pretender is mistrustful!

This frase is used when you want to annoy someone with a dead meme.

Clint: Dude, why you're sending me "among us" memes? This game and memes about it are dead. Please stop dude.

Michael: When the pretender is mistrustful!

Clint: I really hate you.

by TheMistrustfulPretender April 19, 2021

Me when the

Some random meme that your friend might have sent you. More of less meaning either my reaction to that information or just my reaction to this or that

Friend one-"Dude, watch this video," friend two-"Lol, me when the

by March 14, 2023

Me when the

Me when

👨🏻 🦲👨🏻 🦲👨🏻 🦲👨🏻 🦲👨🏻 🦲👨🏻 🦲👨🏻 🦲👨🏻 🦲👨🏻 🦲👨🏻 🦲👨🏻 🦲

Me when the

Man: Me when me when the

Man 2: fr fr man i feel you

by Wowthisisnotcool May 17, 2023