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The worst food ever. Even with fucking sauce it’s crap. No one should even look at a burrito. We should all eat unfertilized eggs because that’ll make life better.

Ari: You know Burrito’s
Emily: yeah...
Ari: They’re goddamn terrible
Emily: I agree highly

by Quietwolf12 January 8, 2020


The BURRITO,which is a sex action on where you cum in a burrito and give it to your partner!

Hey,Kylie wanted a burrito last night,she thought it was tasty!

by Cum burrito(; June 14, 2021


Unliquified soup in a tortilla

"Babe, did you eat the burritos that were in the fridge??? I'm trying to make soup and can't find them."

by Evil Kermit July 20, 2023


God's gift to planet earth.

"What are you eating?"
"A burrito"

by Burrito Head October 12, 2020


A tortilla filled with foods like meat and beans. And sometimes onions.

I ate a burrito today. It had onions

by Yoshisushie June 29, 2022


in regards to a situation or predicament that you were put in being over with and finished aka a wrap.

“So are you still going to talk to him?”
“Girl no he played in my face Issa burrito

by Big Daddy Sums August 4, 2024


A fat blunt

Aye, wanna hit this burrito.

by irollburritos February 4, 2015