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Basically a taco but less crunchy and spills the meat juices all over you while eating it.

Joe: yo is that a burrito
Mamá: no it’s jo mamá

by Pineapple1790 November 25, 2019


A dish originating from México typically consisting of a tortilla with fillings on the inside. These fillings usually include (but are not limited to) meats, vegetables, sauces, and other Mexican ingredients.

Person: I want to order a tortilla with stuff inside of it.
Cashier: You mean a burrito?

by CheeseCakeFries February 23, 2021


A Burrito is a mexican food that consists of lots of different food, typcially beef, lettuce or cabbage, tomatoes, black beans, and olives. All wrapped in a tortilla.

Person 1: Wanna order food tonight?
Person: 2 Yeah sure!
Person 1: What do you want?
Person: 2 Eh, just get me a burrito.

by Zomatic May 3, 2020


It is a millenary technique which is to ingest a lot of alcohol and "empalidar" in fetal position.

Luis performed the "Burrito" at Kevin's party

by FakeHolocaust June 23, 2019


It is a millenary technique which is to ingest a lot of alcohol and "empalidar" in fetal position.

Luis performed the "Burrito" at Kevin's party

by FakeHolocaust June 23, 2019


Noun: An extreme case of vertigo.

Betsy is home sick today because she is suffering from a bad case of burrito.

by Cherry Hammer May 24, 2011


A food that is covered in a tortilla or some other kind of sheet

The thing I shove up my ass sometimes

Random ass dude: Ay man what chu eating
Me: A burrito

*bangs on door*
Coach: What going on in there?
*slowly puts burrito in the ass*
Me: nothing sir

by PeepMC April 14, 2021