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Baggage Swag

The name given to jewelry, logos and art on the genitalia.

"Aye no homo, check out my baggage swag homie"

by The Cognokr August 18, 2012

Goodie Baggage

A matter regarding a person’s past that can affect their current disposition in a positive manner:

Heathy habits, perks, positive relationships, uplifting colleagues, or healthy dynamics etc.

Person 1: I think I’m going to leave the company because of all the baggage with my department and toxic colleagues.

Person 2: Hey what about the goodie baggage? Think of all the positive things that you’d be leaving behind as well.

by That's Grand April 12, 2021

baggage blame

When your significant other blames you for the wrong doing and miss behaviors of their ex.

"Honey, I have never done that, that is something your ex boyfriend use to do; don't put that baggage blame on me."

First coined by Shelley Sauer 2022

by Ijllan S. November 14, 2022