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Nastek Blogger

It comprises of two words, Nastek(mispelled or Murad Takla transliteration for Nastik) meaning Athiest and Blogger the usual meaning of one who writes internet blogs.

But in Bangladeshi cyber-space internet meme culture it is used as a satire at the fundamentalist and religious bigots who used the misspelled words being cynical towards anyone who spoke against them.

You are talking against the sexual misconduct of the sheikh, you must be nastek blogger.

by bay of bengal February 8, 2021

battle blogger

Someone who says every word that comes to mind while in Voice Comms regardless of who may already be speaking, usually mid-fight in a competitive video game. Everyone hates them.

Dude, Jeff is such a battle blogger I had to force Push-to-Talk on him. And he STILL battle blogged the whole time.

by Noval1th June 5, 2017

Bathroom Blogger

A person who does their deep thought, prolific writing while sitting on the toilet in the privacy of their bathroom. This environment is mentally and creatively stimulating to them and provides them the perfect privacy needed to write. This person is also more likely to be a Toilet Tweeter.

Ken writes two to three blog posts a day from the confines of his toilet, in the privacy of his bathroom. Sometimes this Bathroom Blogger takes his talent to work, spending his entire lunch break on the toilet writing on his laptop.

by K Whitt January 27, 2013

Blogger Hogger

A person who adds way too many comments to an article or a blog. This person's name comes up repeatedly on the comment list because they are constantly responding to others' comments or continue to add new comments of their own in the hopes that someone will engage them in a virtual conversation. A Blogger Hogger mistakenly thinks he or she is adding value to someone else's blog, but really nobody cares about what they have to say.

WTF?! "TofuKat69" has commented a total of 432 times. This Blogger Hogger has officially occupied this blog.

by Dashecrey February 17, 2012