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Up the bum, no harm done

An expression conveying the convenience and lack of danger in conceiving children in Anal Intercourse

Man 1: I didn't want to get her pregnant, so I did her up her rear end!
Man 2: You know what they say: "Up the bum, no harm done!"

by Albury W Brown May 23, 2017

15๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž

self harming troll

When a user of the Internet gets caught by their own misuse of the Internet.

I.e when a user searches for the definition of a word that is unknowingly spelt incorrectly, only to find it on a site that they themselves have listed it on as a stupid way of spelling said word.

"Tom was a self harming troll when he looked up 'urben dictionary', only to find he was the one that had earlier defined it as a stupid person's way of spelling 'urban dictionary''.

by Mr Love Pebbles March 25, 2015

3๐Ÿ‘ 26๐Ÿ‘Ž

one up the bum no harm done

After gay anal sex that hasn't caused no bleeding

One up the bum no harm done that's what he said after jumping out of the bushes bending me over and ripping my cum stained pants off,

by mitch00uk April 8, 2015

14๐Ÿ‘ 5๐Ÿ‘Ž

one up the bum, no harm done

Referring to the exchanging of bodily fluids between two guys through the course of anal sex.
One may say this in a joking way to ones chums to gain a chance of laughter, but has really got, what the youth of today call "issues" and should stop being so "batty"

Mike says to Patric
"mate forget about going to The Hart, lets go to that gay bar - The Birdcage. After all, one up the bum no harm done." This is when Patric would probably knock the shit out of Mike, grab a beer and go to The Hart.

by Mike June 6, 2003

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What harmful effects could happen when a metal mixes with acids?

What harmful effects could happen when a metal mixes with acids?

What harmful effects could happen when a metal mixes with acids?

by Hhaahs April 12, 2023

Patron Saint of Woman-Harm

And this weekend is double xp weekend for half-Asian women!

Hym "Patron Saint of Woman-Harm! Yeah! Total throwback! Man, it's been ages."

by Hym Iam August 2, 2024

one up the bum, no harm done

A failed 2011 slogan created for Marie Stopes International by comedy music band The Midnight Beast, promoted with a catchy music video. 'One up the bum and it's no harm done, one up the bum and you won't be a mum."

Not reliable advice as there is a risk of "splash conception" (where semen is spilled into the vagina from the anus) and the risk of a sexually transmitted infection is as high or substantially higher compared to any other sexual act.

Enjoy your AIDS.

"One up the fanny and your mum's a granny" so instead you try kinky bum sex, hoping to avoid pregnancy?

The "one up the bum, no harm done" assumption is not a good idea. Where do you think lawyers come from?

by bitchuck September 5, 2024