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plaster fuck

When someone fucks the absolute shit out of someone until they explode.

Brendon, if you don't get your chin off my elbow I'm going to plaster fuck you.

by King Kong the nig nog July 3, 2017

plastered cunt

When you are that fucked up on more than one drug such as poly drug use, for example after 20 beers and an ounce pot you would be considered to be "plastered cunt"

Hey look at mikey he's had that much mushies and eccy's he's just a plastered cunt now.

by Azza1 January 22, 2015

Quirky with the plasters

A term used by someone in my school who thinks they're epic. Wrong.

I'm so quirky with the plasters mate you can't even

by Meiwosk September 13, 2021

Plasterer's radio

Noun. The female participant in a multiple-male bukkake scene.

Summon the fluffers, please. The leading lady needs to take a shower, as she's like a plasterer's radio.

by Azenath69 January 5, 2022

plaster cast

a big, hot 'n' heavy article of healing that most people assume is for broken bones. In reality, it is something to be worn on your right leg to the knee for four months after surgery when you've taken out a garbage back with a huge piece of broken glass in it, banged said garbage bag into your leg, and severed your achilles tendon (and have to miss all the swimming for the entire summer). You will recognize a 'plaster cast' by the painting on it of a small little dachshund known as kira.

Jerk on the street: Hey, nice plaster cast - I can tell by the kira painting. But why the hell are you wearing that heavy artwork all summer long?

by sea ryder August 2, 2006


When you’re so fucked up you are squealing and running around like a feral hog.

Dude, Barry got so hog-plastered, we had to wrangle and hog tie him in the bathroom.

by Hog plastered November 21, 2021