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Slang terminology for the word "room", created by Charles Manson and popularized by Brad DeJonge

"I just killed a hooker in that rm"

by BanditP7B February 15, 2022


Rap Monster (Kim Namjoon) from K-pop band "BTS". ^^

RM is so hot!

by Jimins_jamless_princess July 22, 2017

rm process

The process of "Rming" (remaking) a game due to unwanted outcomes in the early stages of said game which put one or both players in a bad position. Usually happens in ridiculously long games like Civilization 5.

"Hey are you guys done playing?"
"No we haven't even started yet"
"But its been 5 hours!?!"
"Were in the rm process"

by Zhall June 10, 2013