Source Code

Charge 7 Brown Bag

As you are fast-walking to the bathroom and you feel like your colon is about to jump out your ass, only to drop trou and discover that your butt barrel is blocked. You press a litter harder and *POP*.... out of your little brown starfish, the doughy round projectile that was stuck in your turd cutter is expelled like a 155mm using charge 7 red bag, only in this case it is charge brown bag! The projectile is often found stuck to the back of the bowl, flattened out with specks of brown bag residue scattered around it.

Bryan: Damn, Bubba! After stuffing my face at Persis, I had to race to the shitter and fire a Charge 7 Brown Bag.

Chad: Dude! You nasty!

by Arie Ola October 9, 2019

brown on bag

when your poop drops out of your butthole and smears on the back of your testicles.

austin got brown on bag while defecating on a toilet that was at a strange angle.

by joshee May 23, 2008

8๐Ÿ‘ 2๐Ÿ‘Ž

brown paper bag

a big brown bag full of cash money, or a bag used to conceal a 40 oz bottle of liquor.

Man I can fit like 50 thousand ones in that brown paper bag.

by gbrd December 17, 2007

132๐Ÿ‘ 17๐Ÿ‘Ž

brown paper bag

A 32oz or a 40oz bottle of beer wrapped in a brown paper bag because you like the look of it usually bought at quik stops, gas stations,7-11's... Ect.

Also the title of a slaming DJ Khaled song

Let's hit up the quik stop and get us some brown paper bags... Son!

That brown paper bag.... That brown paper bag!!

by Cecilia and Sabrina October 12, 2007

63๐Ÿ‘ 32๐Ÿ‘Ž

Brown paper bag

This occurs when you slip on a banana peel cock first into your best buds anus whilst immodestly pulling out and flinging the leftover dingleberry off your penis right in the flow of traffic.

I totaled my car when a brown paper bag hit my windshield.

by Wanjarthen November 30, 2021

brown paper bag

when a girl has a great body and an ok face so you just want to put a bag over her head and f**k her. only players do this, or even think about this.

wow! look at maddy...mmmm. brown paper bag her

by maddy stepnoski June 11, 2009

25๐Ÿ‘ 46๐Ÿ‘Ž

brown paper bag

Brown Paper Bag is a trucker's term for an unmarked police cruiser commonly heard over the CB Radio. If there's a brown paper bag and he's drinking it, that means said cop has got somebody.

"Breaker, breaker 1-9, got a brown paper bag at mile marker 1-2-3."

by Jay Dog September 29, 2005

28๐Ÿ‘ 78๐Ÿ‘Ž