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/krā vēnyəns/ noun – the point where the most craveable food and snacks intersect with the most convenient experience around. Exclusively found at ampm.

1. I’m going to the Crave-venience™ store. Want anything? | Bet. Pick me up some Takis, Horchata, and a 3 Pepper Sausage.

2. What’s the difference between a convenience store and Crave-venience™ store? | Crave-venience™ hits different. You get way better snacks for your all cravings at the Crave-venience™ store.

by ampm_tmgs June 20, 2022

relevancy craving

When an individual craves to be more relevant than the actually are and they leave their current friends for a more relevant clique.

Wow, lexi’s relevancy craving sure is bad today.

by Naturelover12345678969 April 21, 2018

Father, I crave cheddar

The person who says this possibly said it as a meme, or to indicate they actually want cheddar.

friend: "Father, I crave cheddar."
you: "Ok"

by a student 2 September 30, 2022

Coffee Craving

Its like yellow fever but for mixed raced people because coffee is brown and white mixed together.

Damn that girl is getting my coffee craving going

by Coffee Craver May 12, 2019

crave max

A type of nicotine device that has high amounts of nicotine in it and many flavors

Bro can I hit that crave max im feining

by WhoMeWhoYOU October 29, 2022

Chaos-Craving Trader

A highly insulting, derogatory, and contemptuous term for a trader who is capable of managing a portfolio through challenging markets. First introduced in an inflammatory January 2022 Bloomberg article. Typically used by spiteful investors who lose money in challenging markets. Talented traders have long been pushing for the progressive term “volatility non-binary” as an alternative.

Those chaos-craving traders are making money while I'm losing my shirt. It's not fair.

by The Real John Powers February 6, 2022

Cross Craving

When you crave two totally different foods at the same time. These foods are usually random, and triggered when walking through the grocery store.

Person 1: Man, I'm really craving some popcorn chicken and Fruity Pebbles right now.
Person 2: Dude, your always cross craving.

by stop-dont-touch-me-there November 12, 2019