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Is a not so common girls name but if a girl is called Marlin they are usually really friendly and smart, there is a chance that they are kind of insecure about their looks while they're actually really pretty. It's fun to hang around with a Marlin and they will do anything to chear you up if you're sad since they can show alot of empathy .

She is so nice and pretty she must be a Marlin!

by aNoN579 February 24, 2017


When you ask a bullshitter a direct question and they talk for 30 minutes about everything other than the thing you asked them about. It's usually done to try to distract you from something stupid they did.

The tech drilled a hole in the wood floor. I asked him why he would do that and he started marlinning like crazy. He told me about his wrist surgery and his kids 7th birthday party but I still have no idea why he would drill a hole in the floor.

by TechDippy June 29, 2023