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when someone asks a question they already know the answer to, often repetitively and to a large group of people, leading to a the group being in a foul mood for the entirety of the day.

Guy 1 - hey man, that Rhys guy won’t shut the hell up asking dumb questions.

Guy 2 - I know man, if he carries on hawking I’m gonna beat his ass.

by johnbyrne2122 December 27, 2018


v. Thinking up a beautiful, thoughtful, or elegant plan: usually to avoid work or school.


Fake leg casts! That will not work. You are not hawking man. Stand back; let a man-sized brainpan get to work up in this clubhouse.

by gnostic3 January 31, 2018


Based off of stephen hawking - When you in a Playstation Party Chat. Sometimes the person sounds just like Hawking. Hence the word Hawkings

Friends: Hawkings

by clownphucker69 December 2, 2020