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Louis Lee

The ultimate Korean Warrior. He Only bows to god but that's only when god is asking permission to do something. Knows all languages and is incredibly intelligent. gets straight 99%'s in everything, and doesn't even have a bedtime. his parents wanted to have a kid like him since THEY were born.

God: "Holy shit its Louis Lee in the flesh everybody get down and praise him."
Trump: "I bow to no one!"
Louis: "OK"
Trump: *vaporizes*

by WHaT's mY nAmE??? June 2, 2017

louis real

Youtuber. Retarded ass nigga. No nigga dumber than this motherfucker. He probably thinks his thumb is in a fight with his other fingers thats why its separate on your hand. His videos are trash and his life is a failure.

Louis Real is a dumb ass nibba.

by Dick Destroyer November 16, 2017

Papa loui

Papa Loui is a crow with a tiny chef's hat. Who can cook and also does barbering, which he is verry good at. If you want to see papa loui you must call him by his name and then he can help you with cooking or cutting your hair, papa loui works in a restaurant called the omelet of papaouri.

friend: hey have you seen papa loui?
other friend; no but if you need him you know what to do!
friend: i must call him by his name!!

by thepersonyouknowwhoitis March 20, 2020