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Bitch fits

A sudden and random seizure-like event in which you remember someones (usually your enemies) wrong doings. These bitch fits are not controllable most of the time.

I had another one of my bitch fits the other day thinking about him!

Stop! I’m gonna have one in a minute.

by Dahwae March 5, 2018

Bitch fit

When a hoe, thot,bitch,slut etc - doesn’t get her own way or is mad she has a BF

Omg I’m gonna have a bitch fit Mindy !!

by SJAA October 30, 2018

Teenage Fit

The thing teenagers do when they don't get their way. Usually, its defined by a slouch, hands in the pockets, head to the side defiantly (or sometimes looking up or down), and a scowl on your face. In some cases, the scowl can be a pout. In dramatic cases (when guilting someone into giving in or if the teen is sensitive/p.m.s-ing) tears can be followed by this scowl or pout.

Also called the "Teen Scowl", "Sulking", "Moping", and other things like that.

Not always done with a maniplutive purpose, sometimes just because a teen is upset. Does not have to be a teenager, by the way, can sometimes be older or younger but not considered very mature.

After Suzie's mom refused to let her go to the mall, Suzie threw a Teenage Fit until her mom changed her mind.

Danny was upset and distracted because his girlfriend dumped him, but the teacher wouldn't give him a break. Unconciously, he started to throw a Teenage Fit.

Amy's dad is so childish. He's 42 and he still throws Teenage Fits. Wow.....

by ThatLittleTeenGirl August 24, 2011