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Top dawg savage cunt

A person that uses the best quotes from memes but uses them in the way that will tear your pure soul to shreds and make you feel as though you have no words to come back and defend yourself with.

Fuck ya chicken strips diggity dawg” replied the Top Dawg Savage Cunt

by Snails Tails November 23, 2019

Savage Hummingbird

Savage Hummingbird is a premium quality clothing brand that allows you to look and feel as amazing as you are because you are fierce yet filled with finesse and attractiveness. Dare to wear Savage Hummingbird clothing.

Just as a hummingbird’s wings cannot be captured with sight alone; you will not get to feel the comfort of Savage Hummingbird clothing if you don’t purchase it!

by SavageHummingbird November 19, 2022


A savage who's first letter of there name starts with an M. They're a destined MC. They are extremely poetic, sexy, and sus. They will appear gay to women, but in the end M-Savage fucks them in bed.

Woah, M-Savage is trying to steal my girlfriend.

by M-Savage February 4, 2021

The Randy Savage

A very illegal drug. A mix of bleach, marijuana, meth, and heroine. Its possible to smoke it or shoot it up.

Dude, you tried to kill me and your family after you did some of The Randy Savage.

by QLAZARRUS666 August 11, 2011

Timber Savage

A term used by people who hunt to describe a whitetail deer.

It’s that time of the year to go chase some timber savages.

by 12 valve December 27, 2022

Jai Savage Fenty

an underrated RihannaNavy.

Who is one of the best RihannaNavy?

Jai Savage Fenty!

by StanTwt4Navy May 29, 2021

Savage Rawdog

Someone who turns 21 and rawdogs it in the parking lot of a stripclub on the ground, while being buzzed but still conscious enough to know that this is nasty. This act of Savage Rawdogginess leads to the person becoming famous and envied by all those around them. Though it may seem like blue skies and rainbows, the person usually goes home with a present thats never wanted...ew.

Ram: Yo dog i straight up Savage Rawdogged this chick in the parking lot of the Driftwood last night for my birthday!!! That shit was fucking OMEGA TITS baby!!!

Sanchan: Ahhhhhhhh shit ma nigga!!! So you dick burning yet?

by Super Cool Muffin Stuffer!!! April 22, 2011