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Leo Savage

a fucking man and a war hero he can not die hes god of this earth and will save the human race

I pray to Leo Savage

by Leosavage May 11, 2023

Savage Rider

That one group of assholes that don't give a flying fuck about your feelings or mirrors.

Did you see Foster Savage Ride that fat chick on th highway?

Man did you see that savage rider take that mirror and belittle that fat chick?

by FOSTER4653 November 1, 2017

wild Savage

Oh look at those wild natives smoking that peace pipe

Oh that wild Savage run off with my sandwich

by Desidoodoo September 9, 2021

young savage

a man who traps tf outta a boarded house and buys a nice car and house . He lives off of drug money finessin the plug

EX:Young savage why you trappin so hard

by youngtrapcarti March 21, 2017