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anus clintwood

Anus Clintwood is someone who has failed in life and their parents are very much disappointed in them, they work at a girl's school and they have a Japanese wife that is preggo. their dad's name is Jeff and Anus thinks it's a good idea to call his child that. he loves saying "am I going to have to give you an infringement for improper use of technology. He also loves to creep through people's emails

Person 1: Anus clintwood is soooooo annoying
Person 2: yes but, he looks like Andrew Garfield
Person 1: ON GOD

by jericc is my son June 1, 2022

Anus bunglar

One who lazily tickles an anus

Donny the anus bunglar strikes again

by Anus_Bunglar December 5, 2021

monkey anus

is usually someone named sam, who thinks its comeone named deven

"that stupid monkey anus " someone else : "who sam"

by afganahstan January 27, 2017

Spaghetti Anus

a worm infested bloody anus may contain poop, "meatballs"

I have a spaghetti anus

by Extendedmeme September 13, 2020

Pickled Anus

The posterior sphincter of an animal that has been preserved in vinegar.

"Sacre bleu, did you just say Pickled Anus?

by CNU Tonight October 2, 2020

crusty anus

when you jizz on a girls anus and let it go nice and crusty
delicious :)

i gave your mum a crusty anus

by iLOVErednecks April 7, 2020

The anus

Satan in general shitty poppy people that are of anus

The anus is no christian but a gay satan

by Gaybreillsamon August 14, 2021