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The Burrito Supreme

When you're getting so horny that you cut a burrito in half and fuck the burrito while inside a vagina/butthole.

Person: Dude were you at the orgy at Taco Bell last night?

Person 2: Yes bro it was so crazy I gave this girl The Burrito Supreme

by NippleChan69 August 31, 2018

Lie Burrito

A lie burrito is a lie or many lies (the filling) wrapped in a truth (tortilla) in order to make it palatable to the person or audience for consumption.

The government is feeding us a another lie burrito!

by Oestegato March 24, 2022

Burrito after dark

Anal sex

Last night my girlfriend let me get a burrito after dark

by Sir Gideon September 12, 2023

dollar burritos

Dollar burritos refer to discount marijuana

Yeah, I'm just sittin' here having a few dollar burritos - you guys want one?

by DollarBurritos June 14, 2018

Pizza Burrito

When one has epicly failed at making a homemade pizza and it turns into a sloppy mess so they try to pass it off as a calzone, but in fact its just a complete cheesy, dough, mess. Take it like a man. You can't cook. Deal with it.

A really bad pizza. JP. You know its you. Pizza Burrito.

by AuburnSass September 24, 2013

shrimp burrito

when two men go shrimping and beans and corn get in the straw

Maurice and Paulie went shrimping they ended up with a shrimp burrito.

by bikeman 5 July 16, 2024

shrimp burrito

when two men go shrimping and cum, beans and corn end up in the straw

when Maurice and Paulie when shrimping they ended up with a shrimp burrito.

by bikeman 5 July 16, 2024