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Mexican Slip N' Slide

The act of eating spicy Mexican food, waiting a duration and then defecating on your partner’s breast followed by sexual intercourse with said breast. If done correctly, the surface will be quite slippery and also spicy enough to burn your pee hole.

After eating Mexican Food, Johnny and Carla were feeling frisky. Carla asked Johnny to give her a Mexican Slip N' Slide . So he shit on her tits and fucked them. The burn in his pee hole didn’t stop him from finishing.

by RegD432 December 12, 2019

Las Vegas slip and slide

When a male urinates on a womans back then slides on her back to put his penis in her vagina.

Maybe we should try a Las Vegas slip and slide after a Colorado campfire

by The greatest Mandan October 6, 2023

slipped hands

Slipping hands into each others underwear

Friend: so what did yous do last night?
Me: we slipped hands.

by Spicy bitch May 3, 2016

Slip and Slide

A concept created by the legendary MattyH0506. This is a process involving a traffic cone, a lot of sunflower oil (has to be sunflower oil), and finally, a woman.

Guy 1: "Why are you stealing a traffic cone?"
Guy 2: "Me and Jessica are doing a Slip and Slide "
Guy 1 "Good luck! Hope you have lots of sunflower oil"

by KillHeiran June 20, 2022

Slipped her the weaver

When you shove a rock in a females butt while doing it doggy style

My date was being too quite so I slipped her the weaver

by Pat attack February 16, 2023

road slip

Hooking up with someone while on a trip

yeah while I was in Fort Worth I had a bit of a road slip with this blonde chick

by Sherlock temple February 21, 2016

Dixie Slip

When your southern-ish friend accidentally or almost says something racist.

(Specifically toward Africans Americans)

"My friend nearly had a Dixie slip when we went to New Orleans."

by CraftingPanda117 July 22, 2023