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roasted almonds

A bunch of gay gays trying to be funny

ie - Phil: "what's brown and sticky?"

Neil: "I don't know, what's brown and sticky?"

Phil: "A stick!"

Lee: "shut up you roasted almonds"

by Gammonsteak July 16, 2014

Roasted Neckless Almond

A Mexican short math teacher.

Man Richard has no neck he is such a roasted neckless almond.

by nadiealadog February 24, 2017

Rump Roasted

When your rizzy sigma grandchildren put on you seat heater in the Shrek mobile and you burn your gyatt to the point where it turns into charcoal (yes you are made out of wood)


by Number one Shrek Stan 69 July 27, 2024

roast post

A post on a social media thread, or private conversation, in which the person posting satirizes common elements of other people's posts by making it too weird or outlandish to be serious.

This can be overt, or subtle, but the highest quality roast post tricks you into believing it might be a real post before the roast becomes clear.

A Roast Post In the context of a work sack channel on a day that an important report is due:
"Did everyone get a chance to checkout the TPS report?"
- TPS report being a reference to the meaningless reports the characters in Office Space were forced to file

by dann1burk November 9, 2019

Ripe Roast

When you put your testicles on a pan fresh out of the oven

Person: So I heard that some random ass dude went ahead and put their nuts on a hot oven pan
Person 2: That's what I call a Ripe Roast!

by Raviable March 30, 2020

roast rollin

When you’re on a road trip and it’s hot as hell. You’re probably in Texas in the summer.

I was roast rollin to see family with my husband Ryan to see his family. I had to put the windows down it was so hot.

by Kmoneyzzzzzzz June 13, 2021

Roast Chicken

When a beer pong player doesn’t sink a cup, they must sit naked on the beer pong table and the other players biff balls at them.

Sam didn’t sink a cup during the last game so he had to do a roast chicken.

by Hary Gofman January 31, 2022