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Medicine gay

One of the many gay categories. The individual is a gay doctor or med student. They are smart, unhinged and slightly del obsessed. They enjoy looking after themselves and being well presented.

I am a medicine gay.

by Medicine gay February 25, 2023

Gay Matt

He is really gay for a cat named Tom.

Whats that meowing sound? Thats a Gay Matt fucking Tom!

by Stopreadingthis213 April 21, 2020

Villans gay life

An Awesome Series Of Videos

I watched Villans gay life lastnight

by h4wk November 25, 2007

1👍 5👎

Gay Joe Buck

The dude who has to jerk it in the background while his girl gets Eiffel Towered by you and your buddy Schug

Mr Sizer was happy to become Gay Joe Buck when Becca became drunk at the station

by Richard Dangles October 28, 2020

gay seeking

Reaching for characters being gay, when clearly they are not.

Mike: Yo, Spider-Man is totally gay.
Joe: Bro. You're *gay seeking.*

by real_pseudonym April 8, 2024