Source Code

Sex Cop

Really..... You're going to show me that shit and you dumb motherfuckers admonish her for fucking her NOT RETARDED co-workers? That's the story huh? Not that she's fucking disabled criminals.... but that she's fucking NOT disableds.... This is exactly why you will never get the unity that you want. This is why your bullshit worldview will never be universalized.

Hym "Yeah.... Ok.... I no longer believe in body hair... I think you are all just so full of shit that it eeks out of your pours continuously... I'm at a loss for words.... No no no you know what? You're right. You're all clearly better than me. I was wrong. You CLEARLY know something I don't. Sex cop? Really!? Yeah, no I definitely need to improve myself because I'm clearly not good enough to understand sex cop = bad and retard sex cult = good. And you are. CLEARLY. You should all be the moral arbiters of what is acceptable behavior in society. I would probably understand if I wasn't so fucking inferior. That's got to be it. Maybe the retard gets it. I get it! She must not have gotten all of her work done after she fucked the other not retarded cops. That has to be it. It can't POSSIBLY be that you're all full of shit and I'm not. You're just better. As a matter of fact, Todd should be paying all of you! He should pay all of you for editing and producing the thing I wrote. I makes so much sense! I just..."

Iam "He's.... He's just going to keep going...."

Hym "My eyes are opened Iam! I've seen the light! I know see error of my ways! God! What could I have possibly been thinking before!? I need to turn my life around! Immediately! Everything changes today! I going to start by..."

by Hym Iam January 26, 2023

cop central

when something is raided or stolen from in a intense manner

someone just went cop central on my bag!

by ticklemonster45 December 4, 2016


when you cut parts of an image off but retain parts of it, typically for comedic or general utility.

"i just copped this image of me... doing your mom."

by ariiajf;aif August 29, 2022


To get over being uncomfortable!

After I sobbed peed inside my boxer brief undies, due to that I was unambulatory to take off my wet boxer brief undies and I loved my boxer brief undies, I copped with my wet boxer brief undies that my wet boxer brief undies became comfortable that I could smile inside my wet boxer brief undies!

by Turo Fernandez November 1, 2019

cop a cuff

To find a woman/man and start a relationship

Yes let me cop a cuff for the winter

by foley212 November 12, 2017

Cop Block (or copblock)

Cop Block (or copblock) ©® is a thing which blocks your vision, as like the thing which undermines a criminal's vision is a cop; and also, an individual, group or other person, place, thing, event or idea which runs interference with police, while one or more gets away.

The PD cop block (or copblock) everything I do so I have to send a cop block (or copblock) to run interference.

by Howard W. Moore, 3rd August 27, 2021

cop and twirl

flicking the bean people. playing with jon-boy

Yo Joey. Do you think Kelly with give me a cop and twirl?

by ROyJones August 25, 2010