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Tossing a ham

That thing where you masturbate, take a shit, and throw up at the same time. AKA the trifecta

If I party too hard, I’ll end up tossing a ham

by Fionna Schwab October 30, 2023

Rainbow toss

When you have intercourse whilst on your period, the male pulls his bloody penis out and screens 'rainbow toss'

Bro I did a rainbow toss to dian last night

by Bandit.112 April 17, 2020


The proper name of any of the PCs by Apple Inc. (crApple) that carry the name Macintosh, once it has been dealt with appropriately.

I bought a Macintosh once... it soon became a Mash-n-toss.

by Nanosquishy June 17, 2011

Tree Toss

When you return home from school on winter break and break-up with you significant other.

Erin is totally giving Ben the tree toss!

by Constance Burnheart June 19, 2011

Deviled toss salad

The act of when your tripping on LSD acid and Xanax then decide it's a great idea to eat ass of a angry bull

Josh- bro I'm tripping I see an angry bull let's give him the deviled toss salad

by @$$blaster November 8, 2021

Coin Toss

Totally Peak. Usually referred to as the pinnacle of fiction, as it’s hella peak and just bangs through and through. The protagonist Kozuki Kenma is a legend.

Man one day I’m gonna make something as good as Coin Toss.

by MagicAsap November 10, 2021

donkey tossing

Picking up Donkeys,

and blowing the absolute fuck out of their dicks
like until their dicks are numb

I went to the petting zoo today and saw the attendants Donkey Tossing, it was horrifying.

by James T Whitinger December 10, 2017