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When someone says a comment back that gives there enemy 3rd degree burns and than every one acts like they just seen their fist pair of boobs

Bro in math class mrs.asshole roasted bill and got fired for burning him with 3rd degree burns

by 40 year old perv March 22, 2019


To get made in fun of and everything he andher says is funny as fuck

That nigga just got roasted

by That nigga DaddyW Aka taj September 7, 2019


When someone says something or does something to a person which results being humiliated.

Other forms are: Toasted, Shadow Realmed, Ethered, Charbroiled, Boiled, Cremated, Baked, Broiled.

Berdi was roasted when the students proved him wrong in front of the school at the assembly.

by FishGil March 11, 2018


every bad word in the world

you just got roasted!

by lunch1254826:728:)/628 February 24, 2016

roast porker

A human carnivore who into bestiality necrophilia. Often will have sex with a slit cut in a piece of store bought meat and then eat it or Sex with road killed animals

You see the news today? They caught a roast porker in the act on highway 9 . He was viewed by over one hundred motorist and a few bus loads of children. Exhibitionist are some strange folks!

by Dick Goesinya June 2, 2017