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Fierce hand sign

A popular pose in pictures. For example- 70's in to peace sign as 2014 is to the fierce sign. This sign isn't gang related. It can be displayed on the right or left side.

We should take a selfie with the fierce hand sign.

by ekxn00 May 13, 2014

14๐Ÿ‘ 13๐Ÿ‘Ž

Fierce Spitting Llama

When your fucking a girls mouth, and right b4 you cum you pull out and let it spit all over her face.

i got Lily with the old Fierce Spitting Llama last night

by Ryan Monty Naylor April 18, 2006

2๐Ÿ‘ 4๐Ÿ‘Ž


1. A state of being; Calm but energetic

2. Tranquil yet extremely energetic

tom: "Whats up brah?"

Jimmy: "Nothin man, feelin mad "Mellow-Yet-Fierce"

by Guias May 11, 2011

3๐Ÿ‘ 9๐Ÿ‘Ž

piss up something fierce

To piss very rapidly and for a great length of time. Often times the piss produces a strong piss shiver and the piss may be of an abnormal color. The shiver may make your balls tingle.

Damn fool, I've gotta piss up something fierce fool.

by Jerome Limalicious December 2, 2004

26๐Ÿ‘ 7๐Ÿ‘Ž

Do you anger me? I fierce, I scratch you!

This is a meme that I recently started to see around a few sites, but has probably been around for a while.

I found that it's from the intro to a cat hentai game called "Neko Kawai Gari". Needless to say, this intro is very weird, and features what sounds like a young Japanese girl singing a song over pictures of hentai cat girls.

One of the lines in this song is "Do you anger me? I fierce, I scratch yooooou!"

You may praise a tail. You may touch my striped back. Do you anger me? I fierce, I scratch you! Nya Nya, she's a spectacled persian cat.

by deathwish124 May 18, 2009

86๐Ÿ‘ 17๐Ÿ‘Ž

fiercely auburn

describes a red-head whose hair is not bright enough to qualify him/her as a "ginger;" can also apply to red-heads refusing to admit that they are gingers.

I am NOT a ginger. I'm just fiercely auburn...

by MacNCheese61 June 2, 2011

fierce dog

An aggressive gay male who prefers to bottom.

Most straight guys are fierce dogs; they take control during sex, but just want to bottom.

by brendanity October 4, 2008