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go back to your cave

(originating from 'the male cave' described in John Gray's Men Are From Mars, Women Are From Venus)

a nicer (or more offensive) way, depending on the situation, of telling someone "please don't talk to me right now"

a guy and his girlfriend in an argument:

Emily: Carl, we can't afford rent in this city any longer. I want you find a better paying job

Carl: (in an angry voice): please go back to your cave. I am on it like a car bonnet . Not my fault I am not getting any interviews. (In a pleasant, and less angry voice): Besides, sweetie, I am sorry I got angry at you, I came back from the gym and need to take a shower

by Sexydimma July 31, 2016

going back out

a way of saying you relapsed. like when a person says "im going back to get something" except this usually means that someone went back to drugs, drinking alcohol again or other behavior of relapsing.

"shit has been so rough i had to start going back out"

i hope things get better for you bro

by vampireceyz April 29, 2024

Go back to the railroads

What Russians say when a white person tweaking. Used to be used when white slaves working on the railroads stopped working in Russia.

White: “nah your ugly
Russian: “Go back to the railroads.”

by Swiftread December 24, 2022

Going Back For Seconds

reaching sexual climax but immediately afterwards going back in, for seconds, if you will.

"I don't care bitch! I'm Going Back For Seconds!"

by JackMasterBater November 9, 2023

Going back to Kingston

Refers to encouraging a woman to smoke marijuana while performing oral sex. Usually taking a toke after each sucking motion until the moment of ejaculation

Guy (talking to friends): Yeah, bro, last night with Justine was unreal. I took her back to Kingston.
Girl (talking to friends): It was pretty fun. Craig took me back to Kingston with him.

Girl: I'm going back to Kingston with him, tomorrow.
(Friend): You're going all the way to Jamaica?
Girl: No, silly! I'm gonna smoke dat kush while suckin' his cock.

by Rugby_fan88 December 7, 2015