Source Code


Instead of saying goodnight say “Grapefruit”

“Grapefruit Guys, I gotta wake up early tomorrow!”

by cowbooty November 28, 2020


1. A codeword used to signal the need for help. It is used when you're in some sort of emergency, usually mental in nature but also can be for other things. Its a way to ask for help/let your friends know something is wrong without having to actually say "Something is Wrong".
2. A codeword to ask for unconditional love and support from your Squad, regardless of what the issue is.

Friend A: "Grapefruit"
Friend B: "Whats up?"
Friend A: "My grandfather just died and Im... not safe."
Friend B: "Alright, Im on my way over and we can just hang."


Friend A: "Grapefruit"
Friend B: "You are a beautiful person and I love you. You mean so much to me and I am throwing my love at you"
Friend C: "Who hurt you? Who do I need to kill?"

by y33tingyouryotes November 26, 2018


Word that can replace the following words, boobs, boobies, tits, titties, breasts

"You have HUGE grapefruits!"

by american monkey diddler April 5, 2022

The Reverse Grapefruit

The reverse grapefruit is the female version of the grapefruit technique. This is when a women peals a grapefruit, inserts it into her vagina, and uses her vagina muscles to squeeze the juice into a glass.

Sally asked me to get her some grapefruits and i asked her why and she said she was going to try the reverse grapefruit.

by Arae Fallout November 25, 2017

grapefruit eater

a person who is arrogant, mean, selfish, good with kids, likes the colour red,

grapefruit eater can refer to a place, person, animal or state of time that meets the already applied conditions

grapefruit eater is a gender neutral term

a group of grapefruit eaters is called a juice spill this can apply to companies or the science club down the hall
grapefruit eater is a apolitical term and can be used against anyone or anything

an object can only be considered a grapefruit eater if it uses red as its main colour this applies to buildings to

God I fucking hate fucking Paul hes such a fucking grapefruit eater, with his grapefruit eater fucking fish and his shitty grapefruit eater mom, if i could i would fucking cremate him and fucking eat them so he has to suck my ass.

by Jelly1445 October 9, 2020

Black Grapefruit

The absolute worst thing ever. Imagine in your mind a blue waffle. Now take that blue waffle and multiply its horror about 10,000 times. If by now you aren't writhing in horror and or puking your guts out, or even feeling sick to your stomach, then something is wrong with you and you probably enjoy it. You sick bastard

Guy 1 "Dude i fucked this girl last night"
Guy 2 "What was it like?"
Guy 1 "Horrible, i don't think I'll ever have sex again"
Guy 2 "The fuck not?"
Guy 1 "Black Grapefruit"
Guy 2 "Mother of God, I'm gonna puke"

by Foofners October 30, 2013

Grapefruit monkey

The ugliest friend you have at school, they are black and love grape kool aid

That Grapefruit monkey is an ass

by Bradden Williams September 21, 2022